Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It started around 5am as a gentle rain on top of our roof but within an hour it turned into a monsoon and with thunder and lighting we soon realized it was going to last awhile.  We finally found a period where it let off and we took that to get ready to get on the road.
  It was Mobile, Alabama where things begun to brighten up and then we got to explore.  First stop was the Mississippi Welcome center where we were wished Happy Easter as we entered.  They did a nice job of decorating.

We checked into a Passport America park, and checked out the area.  We drove 5 miles to the beach and ate at Cajun Crawfish Hut.  It was a little hole in the wall recommended by our rv park.  A temporty setting since they lost everything when Hurracaine Katrina came and flattened their homes and the original restaurant which was on the beach.  They are rebuilding a beautiful new restaurant  in the old location and it opens next month.   This is the hole in the wall, but the food was excellent even though the menu was simple until the new one opens.

We're STUFFED!!! 
Not the best food for us, but the fried Mushrooms were great and the fresh Gulf Shrimp hit the spot too.
Passing a Casino on the way back to our little home on wheels, we stopped for a short time.  We both had $8 to $10 more than we started so a good time to get out of there. 

     Passing a beach is something we can't do without stopping.  It was really cold outside, but we did get some pics.  It's good to see the beach is coming back after the Hurricane five years ago and the Oil Spill last year.  It really is beginning to take shape and the beach is beautiful.

A perfect ending to a perfect day.  Life is good, come Rain or come Shine.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Falling Waters State Park

We're Here!  
After an eventful morning, we have made it and in good time.  The day started with all our wonderful neighbors seeing us off and then.............oops! The motor home would not start up.  Dead, completely dead.  Henry ended up giving us a jump start and then we were on our way.   No more problems and everything is great.
     We rode the bikes to the waterfall (if you can really call it that).  It was a trickle as Florida has had not rain, but it was still very pretty and a nice hilly bike ride and walk.  Thank goodness for Electric bikes as I had to pull Ton up some very steep hills - quite a twist from our normal way of doing things with him pulling me.
    It's been a great day and now we are going to take it easy.  Not sure where we'll end up tomorrow.  We'll let you know.  No pics since I used the wrong camera.  Tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well we are finally approaching the start of our trip.This Saturday was spent cleaning the motor home and the honda fit and tomorrow and Monday we will begin packing.I for one have no idea what to bring in the way of clothing but I will figure it out ones I begin to pack. Jeri however will probably bring her whole wardrobe.
 I am sure we will find out as soon as we leave that we have forgotten some thing and that's where walmarts come in handy.
 Again this post is more for practice than any thing else so i will keep it short for now
 Ton & Jeri
this will be our first legg of our trip

Monday, March 14, 2011

Setting up a blog be patient please!

Hello all,
Well this will be trial and error blog as we have never done this before but like to before we start our trip out west. We are planning to leave on march 29 for a trip out west to California and possible further and hit as many national parks as possible on our way over there.We will be traveling in our 26 ft. Born Free and pulling our Honda Fit as a toad.
  We will try to keep you informed every couple days as to our whereabouts and show some picks of our surroundings
 Check back around march 29 when our adventure starts.
 this is our location right now,-81.763344&spn=0.034465,0.076818&z=14