Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WE'RE HOME !!!!!

After leaving Pigeon Forge, we had a great visit with my brother and sister in law George and Lyn in Seneca South Carolina, we arrived back home in Tavares last night. We want to thank George and Lyn for their hospitality. They have a beautiful home on the lake, they took us out for a boat ride around the lake and Lyn  fixed us a great meal and we had great fellowship during our visit.
 When we got up the following morning we had thoughts to make one more stop in Georgia but after looking at our gps and realising that home was around 480 miles, we decided to see how well things went, and ended up going the whole way home arriving at 6:30 that evening.
 As a recap we drove approximately  6800 miles on our trip in our motorhome and an additional 3000 miles in the Honda toad for a total of almost 10,000 miles.  Other than the initial electrical problem with the motor home and Jeri being sick for the first 2 weeks we had a great trip and a ton of pictures and memories to remember our trip by.  We will definitely do it again some time as there are so many more beautiful sites to explore and see in this great country of ours.
 We want to thank all of you who followed us and thank you for all your great comments even though it took me until almost the end of the trip to figure out the settings that allowed all of you to post.
 We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Ton and Jeri


Betty Lee said...

Please let me go on your next trip with you. I SO enjoyed this one! Love you both!!! Betty

hansi said...

Hi Ton & Jeri
Welcome home and Happy 4th of July
What an AWESOME trip you guys made you have seen so much
All is well here in Canada great weather and also a great weekend
Enjoy the rest of your Holiday weekend


Lori & Hans