Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well 2 days ago we took off for San Diego for another visit of this beautifull city.The day started out great and we arrived downtown at about 11 am. We found a great parking place right by a stop for the free tram into the park.we took the tram and got of in the middle of the park and began admirering the beatifull buildings the belltower and the great architecture of the buildings all around us. We made it to the botanical garden and admired the flowers and plants all around us.
 We than went to the visitors bureau for some more info and it was there that I realised that I did not have my wallet. A sick feeling came over me that I must have lost it on the tram or possibly in the car or anywhere in between. So needless to say we began backtracking and did not find it.
 At that point there were only 2 possibilitys either I lost it or it was inthe motorhome.Not being in the mood to continue our visit we decided to go back and check the motorhome and thank goodness it was there!
 So much for our whirlwind trip in san diego so we will try it again tomorrow or the next day depending on weather.We will post a few picks of our fast adventure!


hansi said...

Hi Ton & Jeri
I don't know what happened to my comment two days ago Anyways ,Ton you are just like me loosing and forgetting stuff and your wallet oh that must have felt awful
Good thing you found it
So looks like a beautiful place you were in San Diego
Keep on having fun guys

Lori & Hans

Ton and Jeri said...

Thanks Hans and Lori,
I try to be more carefull:)

Betty Lee said...

WHAT A SCARE AND SICK FEELING!!!! So glad you found your wallet. Jeri takes such cute pictures - what a smile, Sis!!! Makes me want to see San Diego....can't wait to see what "we'll" do tomorrow. I'm feeling really good. See the cardiologist on Monday for a followup. HAPPY EASTER you two! Love & miss you! Betty