Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tombstone and the infamous shootout!

We left at 11:00 which was 2:00 in the afternoon in FL.  I didn't want to overdo it but the town is only 20 minutes from where we're staying and we were about 3 hours.  That was plenty for me and I was tired but most of the time was spent in a movie about the town and the shootout.  We both loved it and I never walked more than 2 blocks so I'm glad we went.  Am to tired to write much but wanted to share some pics.
Hope you enjoy them
Visiting with the town folk

Some quality time and then off to the fight.

Ton & Wyatt Erp

As the show begins they announce several  times that all cell phones MUST be turned off.  So...I ask Ton to turn his off and he said.  Nobody's calling me, it's only 2:00.
Of course as the shot out begins after several scenes Ton's phone rings.  He forgets it's 5:30 in FL, and then...he answers it!!!  Couldn't believe it as we were in the front row with Wyatt and Doc Holliday
about 3 ft in front of us.  I thought they were going to shoot him.  Oh well, we said he couldn't talk and then hung up.

The fight begins

and ends
along with todays blog.


Tracy waalewyn said...

well that looks like it was fun :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time. You have some great pix...:-) Enjoy every minute of it!!