Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 2 in Yellowstone

June 20, 2014  - Day 2 in Yellowstone
This was a nice day for a pretty drive.  It was very cold in the higher elevation, but the sun came out and it was perfect for sightseeing. 

This picture of the Valley was taken out
my car window
Gibbon Falls, Small but still pretty
  It was a lot busier than when we were here last year, but that’s to be expected since school is out.  Most travelers are very courteous so that makes it still enjoyable.  We drove a 50 mile loop in the North Entrance section of the park. We left home at 8:30a.m. and didn't make it back until 5:15 p.m.
Just some pictures taken on our drive
The scenery changes all the tiime

The beautiful stones colored by the geysers
as we leave a viewing area parking area
Tower Falls

We saw lots of beautiful scenery and wildlife and that was wonderful.  God’s many creations are amazing and we have been blessed to have the ability to see them.   Once again, it’s picture time, so just enjoy:

King of the Mountain
This is a little one way road off the beaten path
and it's called "Black-tail Plateau Drive
The rock formations were awesome

After crossing the bridge and entering some meadows
we found some wildlife.
He doesn't look to friendly
Further down the main road, the bison, and if
you look in the wood triangle up the mountain
a little, you see another bear.

They always seem to know you are watching
This is the Petrified Tree still standing in the park
Our next stop, Ton hiked the 3 mile trail  up the mountain and
took these pictures while on that trail.

He stopped here because he didn't want to go in the deep
snow without proper footwear.

This animal is a 
Yellow-Bellied Marmot
After this beautiful walk, we were driving down the main road
and saw this Coyote and it looks like he found
something to eat that carries in his mouth.
This made for another great day
And back to our little home to leave in the morning for a new place

1 comment:

Betty Lee said...

Love seeing all the animals (and my favorite two legged ones LOL). The scenery sure changed from one scene to another - always awesome! Ton, BE CAREFUL walking alone..I know you are but just had to remind you one more time. I'm sure Jeri reminds you too LOL.

Can't wait to see where we go next. Love, Betty