Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 17, 2013  Monday
This morning we left for a campground 18 miles from Zion National Park.
It was a short very pretty drive.
To give a little idea of the difference in campsites
below you can see pictures of our site in Vegas
I couldn't believe someone was staying in the little silver one,
but they were.

and now,the one here in Hurricane. So
different, but both are in the desert.
Near Zion National Park

 Right now, Ton is sitting outside enjoying the beauty of this campground.  So clean, with tree lined streets and all amenities you could ever want, so we love it.   In the meantime, I’m inside for a while doing this blog since they have fast Internet connections.    They also have cable TV with over 100 stations so even though we haven’t been watching TV it is available here.  The name of this nice park is Willowind RV in Hurricane, Utah & it is convenient to everything

This is the registration office
and clubhouse

This afternoon we drove to Zion National Park visitor center to get information before going tomorrow, since it is so close us.   

Jodi loves adobe style homes so this for her.  It’s not finished and is being built by the homeowners.  They live in this part while building on the other part.  We passed it on the road so turned around into their street to see it. We think it’s cool
Below is the addition

Today we left for Zion and when we arrived it was packed and we couldn’t find a parking place, so we did the auto tour on our own and then went to the Visitors center to look for a parking place again so we could do the other scenic route that can only be done by their shuttles.  This way it worked out perfectly.
 A house on the hill on our way in
 Line at the entrance to the park
 Beautiful formations & colors
We won't be volunteering for this job.  The guy on the
cliff is several thousand feet high.  Ton zoomed in to get him at work.

 Shrubs and Plants growing out of the rock
This is as close as I could get to riding a horse.
The trail rides were booked up.

 A single flower coming from the stone.
 I think I'm lost
 This natural cave looks like someone  painted the inside.
The formations and colors were beautiful.

 This is called checkerboard mountain
My brave mountain climber

 These three mountains are called
Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
The more colorful one on the right is Jacob
as he wore a coat of many colors
Ton took a nice hike down to the creek and waterfall and I waited at the shuttle stop. 
It was nice for me too as they had a nice breeze there.
 A very unusual flower
 This is called the Virgin River
 Right at home blending with the rocks
 A small waterfall

 This is weeping rock as it looks like
the rock is crying as it drips water
 My honey doing what he loves best
Exploring and taking pictures
 Heading back home after a long tiring day.
At least supper will be ready in the crock pot:)




Jon Waalewyn said...

Now that is really beautiful country. I love the pictures!

Ton and Jeri said...

Thanks Jon
We agree is beautiful.

lcaruana said...

Beautiful area. Almost too much to take in!

Betty Lee said...

And now you see why Carl misses the west. You can't even describe the beauty although you two do a great job with the pictures! Still getting rains here and it's way too hot - even for me. I love the new campground - lets' stay for a very long time, ok? Love & hugs, Betty