Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9, 2014 - Beaumont, Texas
It was a long drive today to Beaumont.    We had lots of heavy rain on the road.  
With all the flooding they don't need more rain, but it's coming

We left Madisonville at 8:00 this morning and arrived here a little after 1:00 this afternoon.  No matter what we encounter there is good in every trip. We didn’t have lightning or tornadoes and a big bonus was We bought gas this morning for  $3.13 a gallon.  That put a really smile on our faces. 

We fixed lunch and then went to visit the Beaumont Botanical gardens about 6 miles from us. 
They had some beautiful unusual flowers, but we wished
they would have posted the names of them.

They had a real nice area dedicated to 9-11.  The garden was being built when the planes hit so they changed the name and the theme.  A New York Firefighter brought pieces from the old towers and dirt from the ground where the 3 planes hit.  It was a nice memorial.

It was a nice way to finish the afternoon before setting in for the night.


Betty Lee said...

Another new and awesome place to visit. You sure do your homework and make sure you see the best of the best....Love our travels.

Ton and Jeri said...

We love having you with us