Friday, May 30, 2014

Horseshoe Bend & Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

After supper we went to view Horseshoe Bend.  Once you arrive to the parking lot it is a half mile, steep hike uphill in soft sand; that takes you to a spectacular view  of Horseshoe Bend from high atop the canyon rim, where the Colorado River makes a 180 degree turn around a sandstone butte. 

I’m proud to say that even though it wasn't easy, I made it to the top of the hill with Ton and then sat in a covered area while Ton went the rest of the way to the canyon wall.

You can finally see the Horseshoe Bend

 Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. 
Today, we made this a relaxing, less strenuous time.  Glen Canyon is beautiful; but we mainly took a drive through, had a picnic in a pretty area by the Marina and viewed the large houseboats.  

The Marina

 Glen Canyon Dam

The dam was dedicated by Lady Bird Johnson on Sept. 22, 1966.  It took 17 years for the Lake Powell to completely fill for the first time.  At full pool – 3700 feet above Sea Level – the large lake is 560 feet deep at the face of the dam

1 comment:

Betty Lee said...

We saw Lake Powell too - really liked it. It's very hot and humid here but finally got rain today. Glad you are back on the internet. Loving this trip more than ever!

We're doing fine.

Hugs & love, Betty